Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

It’s Only Help if Welcome!

April 21st, 2024

This is going to be a very specific comment that can be also taken generally. Don’t worry, it will make sense in a minute. In the specific, in No Man’s Sky, you can shove whatever you want to into someone else’s inventory without their consent or even knowledge and a lot of people do that. They say “I’m helping!” by taking a new player and suddenly giving them a billion units worth of crap.

What if they don’t want your “help?” Oh, suggest that and the shit will fly!

Make Up Your Mind!

April 19th, 2024

It always disgusts me, watching people complaining about one thing and then when the solution comes up, complaining about that too. A while  back, Dungeons & Discourse made a video about some of the big online RPG sellers taking action against AI-written content. She pointed out that there was a lot of really bad human-written crap up there already, and I pointed out that I’d been suggesting for years that Amazon institute a reading fee for every single book uploaded to the site. A human reader makes sure it isn’t a scam, of which there are plenty, and that it meets minimum quality standards.

Imagine my surprise when people didn’t like that either.

I Don’t Want to Play Warhammer 40k!

July 22nd, 2023

Before I get started, I want to say that if you enjoy Warhammer, more power to you, I’m not saying that it’s terrible, I’m not saying that I hate people who play it, I don’t care. You do you and I’ll do me.

What I am saying is that there are a lot of obnoxious apologists out there who can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t want to throw hundreds of dollars at their hobby, mostly, I think, because they’re desperate to have someone to play with.

That’s not me. So let’s get started.

This is Why People Have Problems!

May 13th, 2023

So I just watched this video and while it’s well-done and I guess the conclusions make some sense, it really only works if you’re an idiot, which sadly, most people seem to be.

I love video games, but I am not a fanatic about them. I never have been and I never will be. I play when I have something to play and when I don’t, I have other things to do. You know, like a normal person. So why do some people have so many problems and why do video game manufacturers get rich taking advantage of them?

Let’s find out.

Play How You Want

November 29th, 2022

I came across a video while bored on YouTube and I think it’s something interesting to consider. I don’t agree with all of it, but I do see this as being a problem in the modern world and maybe, more people need to think about things a bit more coherently.

Therefore, the video will be below the fold and we’ll talk about it.

Are Video Games Just Not as Good?

November 12th, 2022

I’ve noticed something of late, looking at all of the games that we’ve had for all of the consoles that we’ve had. Every generation of console, we get fewer and fewer games. So are the games not as good? Or perhaps, more accurately, are there fewer games with each generation that are good?

I don’t know.

Then Don’t Play the Game!

July 12th, 2022

This comes up a lot, unfortunately, people online whining and complaining that a game isn’t what they wanted, therefore they demand that the producers recreate the game in their personal image, otherwise it’s a horrible game! Or, they insist that modders make the game something new, for free, of course, because they really, really wanted something different.

Stop being an idiot! If it’s not the game that you want to play, go play something else!

I Hate the Young and Irresponsible!

June 4th, 2022

It’s really no wonder that I dislike being around most people under the age of 40 these days. Over on the RPG subreddit, someone asked if you should have an open door policy, anyone can come and go in your game whenever they want with no explanation.

I said no and someone popped on and got mad at me. These people are real idiots. I’d never play with anyone like them.

Why Can’t People Answer Simple Questions?

June 1st, 2022

This came up today when someone asked a simple question about paid GMs in RPGs. Why do people pay for them? What’s the deal? It was a very easy question, one that apparently, there are no easy answers to.

Worse, of course, all of the paid GMs freaked the hell out and started screaming that they were being oppressed, because that’s always a thing these days.

But the question remains: why would anyone pay for such a thing? So let’s talk about it.

It’s a GAME!

December 8th, 2021

I’ve run into this a number of times of late and it always amuses me. There are people who will post in a video game subreddit about how unrealistic this is or how they don’t like that and they always want it changed.

Well guess what? It’s a game! It’s not supposed to be absolutely realistic!