Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Writing Single Books

April 30th, 2021

Now most people know that, if you’re going to be selling books, no matter where you’re going to sell them, series do a lot better than single books. It’s because, every time you release a new book, new people will see it and go back and buy up your back catalog. It’s why I very rarely ever do single books, not because I’m just out for money but because I tend to write much larger, sweeping tales.

But this time, I’m doing a stand-alone. Here’s why.

Nobody Cares What You Want!

April 23rd, 2021

This has become a problem of late, or maybe I’ve just noticed it, but on a lot of video game subreddits that I follow, lots of people have decided that they’re just going to whine about things they don’t like and demand that the devs fix it to match their expectations.

These people are idiots. It’s time they grew the hell up.

How Not to be a Writer

April 21st, 2021

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, but I have a friend that I’ve known for close to 40 years now and he’s an author. Sort of. By that I mean he publishes a lot of books on Amazon. Sort of. But if there’s a way to do it wrong, I think he’s found it. And now, I just can’t say silent about it any more.

Where I Show I Was Right About Kong

April 7th, 2021

So I finally sat down and watched this thing, and honestly, we were all putting it off as long as we could. My daughters wanted to watch it and less than a third of the way through, both of them got up and left.

That ought to tell you something. They are in the target demographic and they both got bored.

So let’s look at what went wrong and why I hope Toho never lets Legendary make a Godzilla movie again.

Let’s Make a Prediction About Kong

April 1st, 2021

Next week, as I write this, Godzilla vs. Kong is coming out to a limited theatrical run and on HBO Max. I have a personal prediction that I’m going to make because all of the Legendary Monsterverse movies have been sub-standard in my opinion. Keep in mind this is only my opinion and I’m entitled to it.

I think it’s going to suck.