Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Prodigal Son Goes into Woke Overload

May 19th, 2021

There are some shows that I don’t even start watching until they finish their season so I can binge the whole thing. One of those, until very recently, was Prodigal Son. The first season was excellent, although certainly not perfect and most things with Michael Sheen, I tend to like.

So, now that it finished up it’s abbreviated second season at episode 13, I sat down to watch it last night and honestly, I don’t know that I will continue. Rabid woke culture strikes again.

Collecting Just Isn’t Fun Anymore

May 15th, 2021

I’ve come to a conclusion of late. It just isn’t fun collecting anymore. It isn’t just one thing, it’s everything. It’s completely lost it’s luster and that has nothing to do with what’s being collected.

The collecting world has just gone to hell.