Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Play How You Want

November 29th, 2022

I came across a video while bored on YouTube and I think it’s something interesting to consider. I don’t agree with all of it, but I do see this as being a problem in the modern world and maybe, more people need to think about things a bit more coherently.

Therefore, the video will be below the fold and we’ll talk about it.

So, here’s the video in question. Go ahead and watch it, or don’t. It’s up to you.

I actually agree with a large percentage of what he said, but there are some exceptions, mostly taken from other experiences I’ve had and things I’ve seen in my very, very long history as a “gamer”. It applies to more than just tabletop gaming, either roleplaying or board gaming or whatever else you want to do, but we’ll stick to that mostly, just to remain consistent.

As far as I’m concerned, people can do what they want. They can enjoy what they want. It doesn’t hurt my feelings for you to have fun from things that I don’t enjoy and the same ought to be true in reverse. Unfortunately, we see it a lot these days where if you have an “unpopular opinion”, you get attacked because far too many people are looking for universal conformity, not a diverse range of opinions. How can they possible feel right about everything if anyone is allowed to disagree?

That tends to be a social problem and I think most would agree that we have more of those than we know what to do with. I think I understand why some people have issues, or at least I have my guesses. Just look at people who are looking for games to play. No matter what scenario they come up with, they need a game that directly and precisely addresses it or they don’t know what to do with themselves. Zombies on a desert island in the 1400s vs. left peg-legged pirates wearing sombreros? Why hasn’t anyone made a game specifically for that? People don’t seem to understand creativity. They want to follow the rules to the letter.

Of course, back in the early days, that wasn’t possible. There were only a couple of games out there and if you wanted to do something that the game designers didn’t foresee, you had to come up with something yourself. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t, you couldn’t know until you tried. Yet that doesn’t seem to be prevalent these days. People want to be led around by the nose.

As I said, this doesn’t happen only in gaming. I see people new to woodworking who need a checklist, lest they do something “wrong”. They can’t be creative. They can’t come up with things themselves. They need step-by-step instructions and they’re paranoid about deviating in any way. I really don’t get people today.

There are, of course, exceptions that we have to acknowledge. If you and I are playing in a game together, then we need to come up with a common interpretation of the rules, otherwise gameplay will be chaotic. It doesn’t have to be what’s in the rulebook, it just has to be something that all involved can agree to. What you want to do in your own game at your own table, knock yourself out. It has nothing at all to do with me.

Yet that seems to be one of the problems that are so common. These games are meant to be free form. They’re supposed to be fun. Instead, people are trying to turn them into rigid experiences where creativity is forbidden, you have to follow the most efficient path to a specific goal and if you deviate from that at all, you’re somehow “doing it wrong”.

I don’t think these people understand what they’re involved in. Games are about having a good time with your friends. That’s it. If your table decides to throw out half of the rules in the book because it’s more fun, go for it! I don’t have to agree but I’m not going to get in your way. I’ll do it my way in my game and you can do it your way in yours. Nobody says we have go agree and neither of us is right or wrong.

Why can’t people figure this out? It seems that if you’re not part of the collective hive-mind, you’re evil and have to be lynched. That seems to be the world we live in today. If you want to play a game, play that game the way that you and others involved decide. If not, don’t. Don’t pretend that you get to tell others what to do. If they express an opinion that differs from yours, so what? You can have a civil conversation. Or don’t, I really don’t care. The world today just isn’t conducive to having fun for the sake of having fun and that’s really a shame. Go be yourself. Stop telling others what they can and can’t do. It’s none of your business. Be creative. There is no singular winning condition. Maybe this is why so many people are so unhappy. They’ve lost the ability to just have a good time.

Kind of sad, isn’t it?

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