Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

I’m Really Frustrated!

June 17th, 2022

I’m really upset right now, not at anyone else but at myself. I screwed up. Now I have to try to fix it. It happens to the best of us but this is the first time that I remember doing it this badly when I should have known better, at least not in a very long time.

It’s all my fault. I just want to vent.

What’s the Point Then?

June 14th, 2022

I’m really starting to ask that question a lot lately. This isn’t just a matter of writing forums but a lot of things. We will focus on writing forums this time out and I could venture into other things later though. So what is the point of having any of these forums at all?

I don’t know, you tell me!

I Hate the Young and Irresponsible!

June 4th, 2022

It’s really no wonder that I dislike being around most people under the age of 40 these days. Over on the RPG subreddit, someone asked if you should have an open door policy, anyone can come and go in your game whenever they want with no explanation.

I said no and someone popped on and got mad at me. These people are real idiots. I’d never play with anyone like them.

What the Hell is Wrong with Writers?

June 3rd, 2022

Now this isn’t just writers, I want to make it clear up front, but they’re the people I’m talking to and therefore, they’re going to get called out for it.

Recently, there was a thread on a writing forum about sex scenes. One person was asserting that there were no sex scenes in sci-fi and fantasy and others were telling them that they were wrong.

I threw my hat in the ring and said that, in my very subjective, personal opinion, graphic sex scenes in sci-fi and fantasy were largely unnecessary and done for titillation, not telling a good story.

Then everyone shit themselves.

Why Can’t People Answer Simple Questions?

June 1st, 2022

This came up today when someone asked a simple question about paid GMs in RPGs. Why do people pay for them? What’s the deal? It was a very easy question, one that apparently, there are no easy answers to.

Worse, of course, all of the paid GMs freaked the hell out and started screaming that they were being oppressed, because that’s always a thing these days.

But the question remains: why would anyone pay for such a thing? So let’s talk about it.