Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Couldn’t Ask for a Better Example

April 3rd, 2022

I have complained on numerous occasions about the ridiculous things that I see constantly on writing forums. It’s just not that often that I see a perfect example of why I have a problem with it.

Until now. Read on to see just how absurd some people can be and why I desperately want to get away from it.

So this requires a little setup. Someone posted a question asking about which was the better software, Grammarly, ProWritingAid or Hemmingway. Now all of them can help, to one degree or another, and people weighed in on which one they liked best, but I pointed out the unfortunately uncomfortable truth.

None of them are going to make you a better writer.

The only way you’ll improve as a writer is to actually learn how to write. Software can only take you so far. Now keep in mind that this question was asked in a section on publishing. It isn’t somewhere aimed at basic, beginner writing questions, it’s somewhere from someone supposedly trying to get published.

Lots of people agreed with me, of course, except for the original poster. Sorry, unless you’re horribly, horribly lost, this is not the kind of response you should expect from a committed author on the road to publication.

do you know how many people write because it feels good to just do so? do you know how many people dont have access to GOOD quality schooling and teachers? or even afford extra schooling/tutors?
sometimes you have to make it work however you can, even if it means relying on tools a little too much OR using tools to help you learn what you need to learn.

if you’re not going to be helpful, then respectfully just dont respond….

Yeah, fuck off.

I’m sorry, but whether anyone likes it or not, language is the entire toolbox of the author. You have nothing else and if you can’t properly use the written language, you’re not going to get anywhere fast.

Of course, some people write because it feels good and I’m not criticizing that. Those people justĀ  aren’t trying to get published, or at least they shouldn’t be. You have to have realistic expectations to get anywhere near a well-published book and far too many of these hopeless amateurs never will because they refuse to open their eyes to reality. This isn’t a legitimate question from someone seeking to be a professional, this is a temper tantrum from an overly emotional child.

Notice that they don’t even know how to capitalize words. No, that isn’t a stylistic choice.

Now I’m not being critical of this individual because they are well known for doing this kind of thing, throwing fits when they don’t get the answers that they want, but what I said was the truth. Software will never replace skill. There is a point at which you have to have something to bring to the table and this guy simply can’t. I don’t care about all of the excuses he has, he’s just not good enough and there’s a point at which you just can’t get there in your current condition, software or not.

It’s like saying you want to be a mathematician when you can’t figure out how much 1+1 is. I’m not being critical of him for his shortcomings but the reality is, if he wants to get anywhere beyond posting stories online for free, which again, he’s in the publication section so apparently that’s what he wants, then he needs to do the work to make it on his own. This is all about having a realistic view of the world and, unfortunately, he doesn’t.

This is the kind of thing that I want to get away from. I am tired of the idea that everyone has to coddle everyone else’s feelings and pretend that reality isn’t what it is, because it might make someone sad. I am entirely supportive of anyone who is doing their best. Most of these people are hardly even trying, yet they are demanding the attention of all because they want a shortcut and a free pass to success.

Such things don’t exist. It’s why the overwhelming majority of amateur writers neverĀ  go anywhere. They can’t actually put in the time and the effort to overcome their own shortcomings and earn the success that they so desperately desire.

It’s not easy. It has never been and it will never be easy and spending all of your time looking to get out of the hard work is going to just result in your failure. Telling people the truth ought to be the standard across the board. These people are supposed to be adults. Maybe it’s time that they started to act like one.

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