Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Calling Out Assholes

August 6th, 2024

Recently, someone posted on a stamp collecting group on Facebook that his neighbor had given his children a big stamp collection to enjoy and he was now trying to sell it.

Sorry, but you’re a dick. We need to stop playing around with these assholes. They deserve to be criticized and I’m not going to keep my mouth shut.

Then Don’t Play the Game!

July 12th, 2022

This comes up a lot, unfortunately, people online whining and complaining that a game isn’t what they wanted, therefore they demand that the producers recreate the game in their personal image, otherwise it’s a horrible game! Or, they insist that modders make the game something new, for free, of course, because they really, really wanted something different.

Stop being an idiot! If it’s not the game that you want to play, go play something else!