Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Can We Just Stop?

October 23rd, 2021

I mean seriously, Hollywood, can we just stop doing this woke crap? Because this year alone, I’ve walked away from three shows (more or less) that suddenly, out of the blue, started marching around with far-left ideologies and I’m really tired of it.

Can you please just knock it off?

So let’s go through them, in order of how I saw them. First off, there was Prodigal Son. I wrote a post on this a while back. I really liked the first season, it was fun and wasn’t the same old tired tropes that we see all over the place. Then came season 2 and it was a disaster. In fact, it’s likely what got the show cancelled. In effect, one of the characters from last season, a character that had never had a single problem on-screen, suddenly started getting kicked around for being black, suddenly was being discriminated against for absolutely no reason at all, because the show runners were trying to make political brownie points.

How’d that work out for you?

Now I went into the specifics in the last post and if you’re curious, I invite you to click on the link above and go back and read it. It was horribly written, stuffed into the show ham-handedly and frankly, I found the whole thing utterly offensive and idiotic. But this is modern-day Hollywood, isn’t it? So let’s move on.

Next came Lucifer. Now granted, it happened in the show’s final season, it had already been cancelled and they were just trying to bide their time until the last episode and that was it. Of course, here goes the racism card again as Amenadiel, played by the excellent D.B. Woodside, decides to become a cop. That’s fine, I can see that for his character, but all of a sudden, a new black cop is introduced as his training officer of sorts and it rolled over into another “everything is racist!” screed. Now granted, the entire final season was a complete waste of time, they had too much time and were too invested, both in making political points but also in just giving every character a last moment in the sun and they wound up not telling a compelling story. That’s been their problem ever since Netflix got their hands on it.

Then, and finally for the moment, is The Rookie. Now I love Nathan Fillion. I watch pretty much everything that he does these days. As I told someone a couple of days ago, they might be doing an Uncharted movie but I’d much rather have seen him in the role. The fan-made film was really, really good. However, we recently watched season 3, and yes, we were a full year behind, sue us. The end of season 2 really sucked and we were in no hurry to get back to that. Anyhow, we watched season 3 and immediately, they just threw out more racism in the police ranks, with Brandon Routh playing the racist cop Doug Stanton and the whole thing was effectively “it’s so hard to get rid of the bad cops!” Yeah, fuck you. In fact, I don’t think we even finished the season and I don’t know if we will. The show paid for it and opened season 4 with the lowest ratings the show has ever had. In just the first four episodes, it’s down nearly 20% from the end of season 3. That’s pathetic. Right now I don’t know that they’ll get picked up for a season 5.

The problem, it seems, is the old and very true adage: get woke and go broke. One of those shows had nothing to lose because it was getting cancelled regardless but the other two have suffered greatly, one getting dumped and the other on the verge and if you look online, the one common thread is “enough with this woke bullshit!” Yet Hollywood doesn’t seem to understand what they’re doing wrong.

Recently, as Ghostbusters: Afterlife got closer to premiering and it was getting really good reviews, guess who came out against it? Yup, the SJWs who whined that the 2016 disaster reboot wasn’t getting the “credit it deserved”. Why isn’t it? Because it was crap. Terrible script, blatant far-leftist propaganda and really bad acting. It was garbage, but director Paul Feig, at the time, said the reason his movie didn’t do well is because of male man-babies throwing a fit. He claimed it was “intertwined with Hillary Clinton and the anti-Hillary movement.” No, you made a shitty movie that didn’t appeal to established fans. You fucked up Paul. Live with it.

Why can’t we go back to movies that are just well-made, well-written and well-acted? Can we get rid of the agenda and just make good films? It really can’t be that hard but today, Hollywood is so terrified of any kind of risk that they’re just making reboots, sequels, prequels and remakes. How about something original? How about something good? Can you please give that a shot?



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