I know I’ve said it before, but then, you watch a video and it becomes obvious once again. I happened to catch a video on YouTube today. It was a nice video about going to a woodworking show, so I figured, why not?
Then, I figured out why not. See you below the line.
First off, here’s the video in question so you can watch it for yourself if you’d like. Don’t feel you have to, since I’m only responding to a very small section of it, but hey, you do you.
I get that he’s a paid shill for SawStop, but he gets to a point somewhere in the middle where he says “I never met anyone who had a table saw injury” and then he says “9 people came up to me and showed me their injuries!”
Of course, he does this while using a table saw WITHOUT A BLADE GUARD! Of course you’re going to get hurt, you fucking retard! You are removing the safety equipment that comes with every single table saw! What the hell is wrong with you?
You wouldn’t think it would be that hard to understand, would you? Don’t go sticking your hand into the spinning blade! That’s what the blade guard is meant to protect you from. Yet just about every moron with a YouTube channel takes theirs off, including SawStop themselves in this video!
It’s one thing to remove it for clarity, to show the blade, but you can do that without it moving. For some of this, I blame Norm Abram, who used to do it on New Yankee Workshop all the time. They’d have something on screen that said “blade removed for clarity” or something like that. That doesn’t make it a smart idea though and he encouraged woodworkers for decades to do the same thing. I love Norm, but even he admits it was stupid of him to do.
Yes, there are some cuts that you can’t do with a guard. I acknowledge that. There are other safety measures you can take to avoid getting your fingers cut off in those instances. Most online woodworkers don’t use those either. You see all kinds of videos with morons putting their fingers within an inch of the spinning blade. These people are morons. Then, when something bad happens, they go “good thing I have a SawStop!” No, you should have a brain first. You put yourself into that situation on your own. It’s not an accident. You did it on purposeĀ by removing the existing safety measures.
I have no sympathy for people who put themselves into these situations of their own free will. You did it to yourself. Screw you.