Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Calling Out Assholes

August 6th, 2024

Recently, someone posted on a stamp collecting group on Facebook that his neighbor had given his children a big stamp collection to enjoy and he was now trying to sell it.

Sorry, but you’re a dick. We need to stop playing around with these assholes. They deserve to be criticized and I’m not going to keep my mouth shut.

The stamps were not worth anything, which is why they were just given for free to children, but holy crap, how can anyone be that much of an asshole that they want to sell something out from under their children?

Granted, I don’t know the situation and honestly, I don’t care. It is really bad form to take something that was given to your children for free and try to use it for your own personal profit.

We see this a lot these days. I can’t tell you how many posts I see of “my grandfather gave me his stamp collection to enjoy, how do I sell it and make a bundle?” Seriously, if you’re not going to enjoy it, GIVE IT BACK! If your children don’t want it, RETURN IT! Did anyone ask them before the stamps showed up? You’d think that might be a smart thing to do.

I have tons of things that I have inherited from family members that, even if I don’t collect it or don’t need it, I still don’t try to make a buck off of it. I find that to be a complete asshole move. I wound up with a massive baseball card collection about a decade ago. It’s not worth anything since cards issued since the 80s are junk. If I ever find someone who might enjoy it, I’ll pass it along, but it won’t be with my hand out.

I also wound up with my father-in-law’s coin collection. The first thing I did was catalog it all. I know what it’s worth and it’s worth quite a bit. It’s not going anywhere though, it’s going to stay in the family. Am I going to add to it? Probably not much, if at all because I find the coin collecting community obnoxious, but it’s still going to stay, perfectly preserved, as long as I live. What happens to it after my wife and I are gone, that’s not my concern. I’m not here trying to make a buck off of the collections of others.

I’m not a prick.

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