Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Prodigal Son Goes into Woke Overload

May 19th, 2021

There are some shows that I don’t even start watching until they finish their season so I can binge the whole thing. One of those, until very recently, was Prodigal Son. The first season was excellent, although certainly not perfect and most things with Michael Sheen, I tend to like.

So, now that it finished up it’s abbreviated second season at episode 13, I sat down to watch it last night and honestly, I don’t know that I will continue. Rabid woke culture strikes again.I knew there was something seriously wrong when, at the beginning of the second episode, right out of the blue, one of the characters made some comment about race and being a cop. That had never been an element in the show before and trust me, if it had, I’d have turned off the first season. It’s this woke garbage that drives me away from otherwise decent television.

Yet it just kept getting worse and worse.

Frank Harts, who plays JT Tarmel, all of a sudden, completely out of the blue, just starts getting abused and ignored because he’s black. As I said, this had never happened in the show before, he’s one of the most respected members of the major crimes unit and this is the middle of New York City where nothing like this would ever be permitted to happen for a moment. Yet… lefty ideology insists that it must, so there goes any sense of continuity right out the window.

What’s worse, every instance they brought up was just fucking stupid and unrealistic. There’s a scene where he shows up at a hospital and a bunch of white officers roll right up to him and start throwing him against a wall, for no other reason than he’s black. He identifies himself as a cop, in fact, as a major crimes detective, he outranks all of these idiots, and they keep abusing him. What’s worse is the fact that, in any remotely realistic world, not only would all three uniformed officers be wearing body cams, the footage of which would be reviewed when they got back to the station, but the whole thing happened in front of a police car, which would have its own recording equipment! The idea that any of this would be swept under the rug is asinine!

Later, Detective Tarmel calls in for backup and some moron on the other end of the radio says “this is for police business only!” and refuses to send help. Yeah, that’s not how the police work, especially in a big city. Calls are taken by a switchboard, not some random racist officer and anyone who refused to provide backup would be on the street and probably facing prosecution for making the attempt. It’s not something that oneĀ  guy can do in private. You’d have a ton of people in the room listening to you.

The stupidity of all of this is mind-blowing. It really is. I mean, the whole idea is stupid to begin with, but this show is supposed to have an actual police advisor, which is listed on their IMDB page, on staff to tell them how this stuff works!

I guess it doesn’t work that way anymore. Why? Ideology!

I mean, this is a show where most of the characters are non-white. You have a multi-racial police lieutenant played by Lou Diamond Phillips. Dani Powell, the detective I mentioned at the beginning, is played by Aurora Perrineau. She just popped up out of nowhere to complain about racism that has never been prevalent or even visible in the show!

The simple fact is, the showrunners just shoved in BLM talking points. They even admitted it. Co-creator Chris Fedak spoke up, saying in the light of George Floyd, he knew they “would have to address this story”. But did they have to do it so stupidly?

There are right ways and wrong ways to introduce plot points and this was so utterly incompetent that I’m seriously considering walking away from this show, at least for the season. I am not going to watch liberal Hollywood just dump BLM propaganda into their shows. If they want my eyes, they have to earn it. Prodigal Son has entirely failed to do that this year.

Fuck BLM.

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