Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

This is Why People Have Problems!

May 13th, 2023

So I just watched this video and while it’s well-done and I guess the conclusions make some sense, it really only works if you’re an idiot, which sadly, most people seem to be.

I love video games, but I am not a fanatic about them. I never have been and I never will be. I play when I have something to play and when I don’t, I have other things to do. You know, like a normal person. So why do some people have so many problems and why do video game manufacturers get rich taking advantage of them?

Let’s find out.

Are Video Games Just Not as Good?

November 12th, 2022

I’ve noticed something of late, looking at all of the games that we’ve had for all of the consoles that we’ve had. Every generation of console, we get fewer and fewer games. So are the games not as good? Or perhaps, more accurately, are there fewer games with each generation that are good?

I don’t know.

Then Don’t Play the Game!

July 12th, 2022

This comes up a lot, unfortunately, people online whining and complaining that a game isn’t what they wanted, therefore they demand that the producers recreate the game in their personal image, otherwise it’s a horrible game! Or, they insist that modders make the game something new, for free, of course, because they really, really wanted something different.

Stop being an idiot! If it’s not the game that you want to play, go play something else!

Nobody Cares What You Want!

April 23rd, 2021

This has become a problem of late, or maybe I’ve just noticed it, but on a lot of video game subreddits that I follow, lots of people have decided that they’re just going to whine about things they don’t like and demand that the devs fix it to match their expectations.

These people are idiots. It’s time they grew the hell up.

Lethal Modes Just Aren’t Fun!

March 18th, 2021

This is something that gets talked about a lot and there are a bunch of games that implement survival modes or hardcore modes and in absolutely every one of those cases, I simply opt out. I find no fun in any of that. Yet lots of people act like if you’re not playing the hardest of the hardcore modes, you’re doing something wrong.

Those people are idiots, but here’s why I don’t want to.