Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Why I Don’t Collect Used Stamps

January 12th, 2025

I was at Orcoexpo yesterday and beyond having a lot of fun and spending way too much money, I got to talk to some of my dealer friends that I haven’t seen for a while. As I was poking through their boxes, there was a guy sitting next to me who said he only collects used stamps and saw that I was only pulling mint.

So we talked about it.

How to Produce a Saleable Book

December 17th, 2024

This tends to confuse a lot of people, especially beginners so let me give you a couple of pointers on producing a book that will possibly sell, since there are no guarantees. None of these steps are easy or quick. Prepare yourself for that. If you actually want to sell a book, instead of just stroking your own ego, strap in for the long haul because that’s what it’s going to take.

Another Idiot Writer

November 5th, 2024

This showed up on my Facebook feed today, some idiot whining that editors were contacting her, but she was poor and she didn’t want to be bothered and people need to respect her financial situation because she can’t afford to do anything!

Yes, nobody should contact you out of the blue without your consent, I agree there. Those tend to be scams. However, the idea that you shouldn’t actually have to do anything because you’re “poor” is stupid. So let’s talk about it a bit.

Stamps Will Always Stay an Old Person Hobby

September 22nd, 2024

I’m coming to the conclusion that stamp collecting will never appeal to most young people. I keep running into this time and time again. They can’t imagine doing anything that isn’t all about money.

That’s not philately. Never has been and never will be. That’s why the young are largely not going to be interested because collecting isn’t about money, it’s about enjoyment.

Zero Effort Halloween

August 23rd, 2024

I’ve been looking at a bunch of YouTube videos for Halloween and honestly, I’m a bit surprised how much zero-effort attempts I’ve been seeing. Yes, I’m glad they’re doing something, but a lot of it is just people going out, buying out a Spirit Halloween and pretending that lining up all the props and plugging them in somehow makes a credible Halloween display.

It doesn’t.

Not the Content I Want to Consume

August 15th, 2024

Last weekend, I went over to a local friend’s place to drop some stuff off. “Local” is kind of a misnomer since he lives about 80 miles away, but I was happy to make the drive. He’s got a YouTube woodworking channel, which I admit, I used to watch a lot of, but of late, I’ve really fallen off. Why? That’s coming up in a second.

Steal Creatively

August 14th, 2024

I had another discussion lately with a prospective writer who claimed they couldn’t come up with anything to write about. I don’t see how that is possible. Open your eyes! There are ideas everywhere! It is literally impossible to have no ideas if you are even remotely competent.

So here’s how I come up with ideas. Keep in mind, I have 40+ books I already know I’m writing in the future. This honestly isn’t that hard.

Changing Your POV

August 13th, 2024

I just saw a random video on YouTube, from a guy named Brandon McNulty, who had 5 things that he hates about being a writer. I watched it, mostly because I was bored, but I have to say that I honestly don’t have any of those problems. In his comments, lots of people were complaining about the same thing. I can relate to the idea, but not to the actual issue because I just don’t suffer from it. Therefore, I wanted to respond to his list.

Gaming Burnout?

August 7th, 2024

I’ve seen a lot of videos on YouTube lately on dealing with video game burnout, but that’s not my problem. I have a hard time finding any modern games that I want to play. I still want to play. I just think most modern games suck. It’s not a problem with the enthusiasm, it’s a problem with the modern product.

So let’s talk about it.