Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

I Don’t Care about Your “Investment”

December 17th, 2022

I know this is just going on and on, but it keeps evolving. I got into a discussion over “investing” in coins vs. just investing elsewhere and, as expected, they really weren’t impressed with my take.

That’s fine. All the down votes in the world don’t bother me. Imaginary buttons online mean nothing. So here’s what I had to say and why I said it.

I Don’t Think That Counts as a Coin

December 15th, 2022

I know I broached this subject a while back, but it came up again, so sue me. Back then, I wasn’t “collecting” coins, although I’m not sure how much “collecting” I’m going to be doing, I’m mostly just sorting and cataloging right now, but someone, in a discussion, talked about it again and I have to throw in my 2 cents.

Sorry, but as far as I’m concerned, no coin not intended for circulation ought to count as a coin, at least to collectors. Even if it is, theoretically, legal tender, if it’s not out in the hands of the public, even hypothetically, it’s just a hunk of metal, designed to take advantage of gullible buyers.

Prove me wrong.

I’m Not a Goddamn Investor!

December 13th, 2022

I know I’m yelling at the clouds here, but I am ever so sick and tired of this. It seems like every single “hobby” out there is just a haven for people trying to make a buck and this one is more so than any other, it seems.

What the hell ever happened to just collecting things for the joy of collecting things? That’s all I want to do!

Not How I Collect

September 23rd, 2022

Love Alan Turing but the coin is a complete waste of time.

It doesn’t really matter, but I had a discussion recently with a friend who does YouTube videos. He collects coins primarily, although he also collects some stamps and we were talking about our individual interests. I knew it would cause consternation, but I said it anyhow.

I’m really not impressed with the way a lot of people collect coins.