Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

I’m Not a Goddamn Investor!

December 13th, 2022

I know I’m yelling at the clouds here, but I am ever so sick and tired of this. It seems like every single “hobby” out there is just a haven for people trying to make a buck and this one is more so than any other, it seems.

What the hell ever happened to just collecting things for the joy of collecting things? That’s all I want to do!

Play How You Want

November 29th, 2022

I came across a video while bored on YouTube and I think it’s something interesting to consider. I don’t agree with all of it, but I do see this as being a problem in the modern world and maybe, more people need to think about things a bit more coherently.

Therefore, the video will be below the fold and we’ll talk about it.

Not How I Collect

September 23rd, 2022

Love Alan Turing but the coin is a complete waste of time.

It doesn’t really matter, but I had a discussion recently with a friend who does YouTube videos. He collects coins primarily, although he also collects some stamps and we were talking about our individual interests. I knew it would cause consternation, but I said it anyhow.

I’m really not impressed with the way a lot of people collect coins.

Can’t Give It Up

July 25th, 2022

Some people just can’t figure out when they’ve lost. In fact, some have lost so badly but are so invested in their failure that they’re blind to everything that they’re doing wrong. They become known for being categorically wrong because their confirmation bias has become so strong that they can’t even see reality from where they are anymore.

One person doing that in the stamp world is The Digital Philatelist. So let’s see where he keeps making such a fool of himself.

Why Can’t People Answer Simple Questions?

June 1st, 2022

This came up today when someone asked a simple question about paid GMs in RPGs. Why do people pay for them? What’s the deal? It was a very easy question, one that apparently, there are no easy answers to.

Worse, of course, all of the paid GMs freaked the hell out and started screaming that they were being oppressed, because that’s always a thing these days.

But the question remains: why would anyone pay for such a thing? So let’s talk about it.

You Have to Acknowledge the Problem!

May 5th, 2022

This is a sad state of affairs, when people can’t even come to grips with the problem at hand. It came up earlier today when, in a discussion, I brought up the fact that it is virtually impossible to get modern worldwide stamps from dealers anymore. Nearly the past 30 years of stamps are a gigantic black hole with very few exceptions. If we can’t count on stamp dealers to keep supplying collectors, this hobby is going nowhere but down.

And I was surprised how many people got upset at the idea!

Possible Stamp YouTube Channel?

March 18th, 2022

I know that virtually nobody reads this blog, mostly because I never advertise it, so perhaps I’m just talking to myself, but I’ve been thinking lately and I wanted to see what others thought, if anyone ever sees this at all.

First though, I need to talk about YouTube and that might also spawn another entirely separate post about YouTube stamp channels and my thoughts on them specifically, but for now, we’ll just talk generally.

See me below the fold for more.

NFTs and Philately Don’t Work Together

March 4th, 2022

If anyone has been out in the world of stamp collecting lately, you’ll know that there’s been a lot of talk about modern post offices putting out NFTs of their stamps. It’s very limited at the moment and thankfully so, it’s desperately trying to make money by doing anything but the actual job that the post offices exist to do.

What else is new, right? But here’s why this isn’t a part of philately, even though there are a few voices that are adamant that it is. Here is why they are simply wrong.

This is Really Kind of Sad

February 11th, 2022

There’s always a lot of talk in the hobby about recruiting new stamp collectors and I’ve never really had anyone that I could encourage. My kids, as I’ve said before, they were both born without the collector gene and they aren’t interested in collecting anything. Nobody else I know cares. It was only very recently that I finally found someone who showed a little interest and…

Well, read on and see why this isn’t turning out well.

How I Did It and Why It Can’t Happen Again

February 1st, 2022

I recently had an extended conversation with a couple of other philatelists and the subject was how we could get young kids interested in collecting stamps. A lot of things were suggested and eventually, the discussion rolled around to how we got involved, back in the day.

I told my story, but I admitted that my path in wasn’t one that anyone could ever follow today. It’s a shame but the world has changed to such a degree that people back when I got started, our stories can almost certainly never be repeated.

But I’ll pass it along anyhow, just in case anyone has any ideas.