Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

No Matter What You’ve Heard, Self-Publishing Isn’t Free!

May 11th, 2023

I’ve seen this too much lately and I just had to say something about it. Tons of people seem to think that writing for publication, it’s just something that you can do on a whim, that you don’t have to put in any effort or cost, everyone owes you automatic success, so there!

It just doesn’t work that way. I’m here to set the record straight.

Movie Review: Chupa (2023)

April 12th, 2023

I used to do a lot of movie and TV reviews but I don’t really engage very often these days. Mostly, it’s because there aren’t a lot of really good movies out there. I got really tired of explaining why movie X was bad, especially when lots of people out there happened to like it.

Therefore, today, I’m going to talk about a Netflix movie called Chupa. It was actually kind of cute.

Why I Don’t Like Most YouTube Stamp Channels

March 19th, 2023

I doubt that anyone really cares, but I have been trying to watch a bunch of YouTube stamp collector videos of late and most of them, for one reason or another, I just don’t care for.

Therefore, I wanted to explain why so many of them are just not that valuable to me and what, I think, most of them can do better. I don’t know if it will help but here we go regardless.

More Authors Doing it Wrong

March 1st, 2023

I ran into this today, although it isn’t at all uncommon, and I thought I’d write about it because it does come up so often. An author on Facebook decided to whine that “nobody likes my books!”

Okay… what’s your marketing like? That’s where all of these things fall apart. If you’re not doing any marketing, then of course you’re going to fail.

That’s where it all started to go wrong.

Unpopular Opinions about Stamps (and coins)

February 26th, 2023

This has been rolling around in my head for a very long time and now and then, it pops up. I suppose I’ve covered some of it in my discussions on stamp NFTs, but two recent things happened and I wanted to talk about it in more detail.

First, a discussion on a stamp forum about the USPS just packing it in because they provide terrible service, which I absolutely agree with, and secondly, I’ve started watching a UK-based coin channel, mostly because I get bored, called Christopher Collects. He’s the YouTube face for a UK coin dealership and in a lot of those videos, they bring up what I have a problem with.

However, we’ll get into both of those things in more detail below. See you there.

Hard Not to Edit!

February 17th, 2023

Today, I finished up another book. It was the third book in the third trilogy of a series that’s going to go fifteen by the end. It came in around 140k, which was completely fair and about as expected. Now, I set it aside to breathe while I start working on a new book, this time, another series where I’m on book four of a thirteen book series.

I decided, perhaps foolishly, to read through the other three books first, just to get myself in the right mindset and I’m having a huge problem!

Where the Bad Advice Comes From

February 16th, 2023

Now I’m not trying to say that the people over at Stamp Show Here Today are wrong, but… yeah, I think they’re wrong. They had an episode a week or so ago (just heard it over the weekend) on bad stamp collecting advice.

Sorry, I think a lot of bad advice is coming from the podcast.

I Hate Writing Out of Sequence!

February 10th, 2023

Right now, I’m kicking myself. I’m getting close to finishing the ninth book in a series that will ultimately be fifteen books long. It’s been going really well, everything is coming along as I’d hoped and, if nothing went wrong, I’d be done by the end of next week, somewhere between 130-135k words.

Yeah, that’s until I entirely screwed the pooch and I have no idea how to fix it!

I really, really, really hate writing out of sequence!

I Quit! or: Here We Go Again!

January 30th, 2023

I’ve officially given up trying to help most people with writing because they don’t want any help. They just want comforting platitudes and I’m not going to blow smoke up anyone’s skirt.

So, effective immediately, I’m retiring from online writing forums. It’s just not worth my time.

It Doesn’t Matter Who You Know

January 6th, 2023

I’ll never understand how people can try to get attention by riding on the coat tails of their well-known relatives, as though who you know or who you’re related to matters. Someone popped up on Reddit and said “my father was James P. Hogan, ask me stuff!”

Who the hell cares?