Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Where Did Everything Go?

November 29th, 2020

As you might have noticed, absolutely everything is  gone. The same is true of most of my other blogs. I’ve done a complete reset and absolutely everything that was here before, it is no more.

Why? A couple of reasons. Let me explain.First off, my hosting company reported that my sites, in general, were just too damn huge. There’s a point at which they simply stop backing up our data because there’s too much of it. That point was about 5 years ago. Every post, every picture, every single thing that gets uploaded here, it counts against us. We have unlimited space and bandwidth, but there comes a point where they start to complain.

So, secondly, I started to look at what I had up here and I’ve been writing the blog since 2013. That’s close to 8 years of content thrown up here and frankly, nobody cares. Really, nobody cares. Even me. I started to realize that most of what I’d posted over the years, I no longer have any interest in, nor do I care about preserving it for the sake of posterity. Mostly, I’ve realized, it’s all complete crap that I wrote, often just because I had to and I’m done doing that.

What do I mean by that? I really locked myself into having to write more than wanting to write. I had TV Thursday where I had to find something, every single Thursday, to write about. Lots of times there was nothing to write about, especially this year so I had to find things to sit through every week so I’d be able to fill space. I’m tired of filling space just because I have a schedule to keep. Therefore, I’m not going to do it again.

Honestly, I’ve been frustrated by all of my blogs of late. I had locked myself into having to write three posts a week whether I had anything to say or not. Increasingly, I’d gotten down to writing reviews of everything I ever watched on TV, every single book I read, at least the ones I was able to review, things that happened on Reddit that pissed me off, etc. Some of that is valuable, I think, but a lot of it really isn’t. Nobody cares. I didn’t care. That’s why it’s gone.

So, the future. This is going to make my hosting company happy but I’m not going to post just for the sake of posting anymore. I’m mostly interested in writing these days and that’s going to be the general focus of this blog. If I see a movie or TV show that is really great or really horrible, I might bring it up if I’m moved to do so. Or not. It’s up to me. I’m going to write when I have something to say and not when I don’t.

Overall, that means that most of what I say will be more in-depth and higher quality than some of the drek I’ve vomited out over the last couple of years. You’ll see better stuff, just less often. I’m giving up on schedules. If I write once a week, fine. If I write once a month, that’s fine too. I could get rolling and do a post a day, then not again for a month or so. It is what it is and that’s what it’s going to be.

Hopefully, that doesn’t disappoint anyone who was reading the blog before. If it does, please comment below. It’s not going to change anything, but I do care about your thoughts. Hopefully, people will be happy about the changes, or, they can find some other blog to read. This isn’t a democracy. It never was and it never will be. It’s my place to let go of my geeky side. It’s my place to talk about writing. If that sounds good to you, stick around. I hope it will be far better than it was before. If not, I wish you the best of luck. There’s lots of mindless, meaningless content out there on the web. Hopefully you can find something you like.

Anyhow, explanation over. Enjoy the emptiness while you can. It’ll change soon enough.




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