Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

You Are Not Special!

June 21st, 2024

Honestly, this shouldn’t have to be explained to ostensible adults, but sadly, it does. Far too many people out there insist that not only are they special, but everyone around them has to pander to them because they are so absolutely wonderful.

Fuck you. You’re not special. Get over yourself.


This guy showed up in a No Man’s Sky subreddit and started asking how he could play all the past expeditions that he’d missed. He was told that he couldn’t. They were limited-time events and when they were gone; they were gone.

So he starts getting pissy. “Then I guess I won’t play the game at all, you’re all jerks!” Stuff like that. I waved and told him not to let the door hit him in the ass on the way out.

Of course, he didn’t like that, so he started inventing things. “Oh, I had a heart attack, that’s why I couldn’t play!” For the past 3-4 years, which is how long they’ve been doing expeditions, you couldn’t play? Give me a break. Then he pulled out the “it’s not fair” card and started whining. Nobody cares. Stop being a 2-year-old. First off, your excuses don’t hold true, as I already said. People just make shit up online all the time, which is clearly what he was doing here. He didn’t have a heart attack, but even if he did, so what? Why should the makers of No Man’s Sky make sweeping changes because some guy had a heart attack? They shouldn’t. That’s stupid. Sure, it’s sad that you had a problem, if you did, which I don’t believe for a second,  but how is that the fault of Hello Games? Deal with it! Grow up and be an adult!

This kind of thing happens all the time these days though. In another instance, someone on a woodworking subreddit came around and started complaining because they broke a table that they had ordered and now, the company wouldn’t just give them another one for free. It was just a whine-fest for an idiot who couldn’t take personal responsibility for their own actions. They even admitted it was their fault! They still wanted the company to give them free stuff because… well, they wanted it!

So I told them they were being an idiot because they were. Adults don’t behave that way. Be responsible for yourself and your actions! It’s not that hard! Then, the company, probably sick and tired of this asshole whining, gave in, which they shouldn’t have, and sent him a new table and he was running all over the place screaming that he had won because he deserved it!

Can we please shoot these people? These are people that make humans look bad. This is unfortunately the way the world works anymore. I could go into why I think it’s happening, but this isn’t the right blog for it. I have no clue what is going on in the heads of modern adults. There is something seriously wrong with these people!

One more example, if you think I only have a few. Over on stamp collecting forums, you have a constant influx of people with incredibly common, worthless stamps, demanding to be told how rich they are. When they are told the truth, that these are common, often damaged, entirely worthless stamps, they get mad at us! Why? Because we’re not pandering to their feelings! These people are children. “I’m going to go to an expert and demand that they tell me I’m rich, then you’ll see!” Of course, that never happens because the experts would just laugh in their faces, but this is an almost daily thing. They think that just because they really want it to be worth a lot, it has to be! They can’t be wrong!

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore. Where do the intelligent people go, because I’m just not seeing it anymore. Mostly, it’s just idiots making complete fools of themselves. You are not special. You don’t deserve stuff because you want it. You are all assholes.

We need a bag limit on morons. I don’t think most of us would have any problem hitting it every single day.

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