Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Why I Hate Reality TV

November 30th, 2022

I was poking around YouTube, as I often am, and saw this video with Chris Gore. Now I could say a lot about hate watching but I don’t engage in it, I wanted to say something about the other subject that he brings up in passing: reality TV.

I hate reality TV. Let’s get below the fold and I’ll explain why.

First, of course, here’s the video in question, if you’re curious. It’s not necessary to the discussion, so you do you.


I’ll be honest, I did watch a little reality TV back in the day, before we cut the cable and got rid of it. We’d sometimes have things like early American Pickers or early American Chopper on, back when it wasn’t about the drama and it was about craftsmen producing motorcycles or going around the country trying to find cool stuff. I’ll watch that. I won’t watch what it eventually turned into.

See, here’s the reality. I don’t really care about the people. I don’t care about their lives, I don’t care who’s mad at who, I don’t care about the childish posturing, I just want to see what they can do. Produce a cool product and I’ll watch. Produce nothing but drama and you’ve lost me.

We walked away from cable over a decade ago because we realized that, more often than not, it was only on as background noise. I think that’s why we saw as much American Pickers as we did, it was just always on. 24 hours a day, if you turned on one of the Discovery channels, there it was. I don’t know that we ever sat down and watched it specifically, it was just noise to zone out to while we were busy with something else and I’ve never missed it at all.

In fact, since you can still find these things on streaming, I tried to put an episode or two on and immediately lost interest. Most of it just isn’t entertaining. Give me This Old House over two idiots screaming at each other any day.

Of course, that’s why these shows exist in the first place. People are essentially voyeurs. They want to watch other people’s problems so they can feel superior. “I might be bad but at least I’m not that bad!” I’m not like that though. I don’t care at all.

I’m just not curious about what dumb people are doing. I don’t care about celebrities. In fact, that’s probably why none of the celebrities that I’m friends with are like that. I would never put up with it. Be a regular person. Don’t read your own press. Stop giving a damn. Maybe that’s why I hate modern Hollywood because it’s full of people who are convinced that everyone has to be just like they are. They’re a bunch of assholes.

I think that’s what it all comes down to. I’m tired of assholes. I want nothing to do with people with inflated egos, acting poorly, making fools of themselves and pretending it makes them special. Those people can all drop dead as far as I’m concerned. Society would be better off without them. That’s why I can’t stand reality TV because it’s filled with idiots, on purpose, because other idiots want to watch their idiocy. Hard pass. I want people to stop being dumb. I don’t want to tune into adults acting like infants. If that’s what you want, I don’t know what to tell you. We are not going to see eye-to-eye. Do what you want, it doesn’t mean a thing to me. Maybe that’s why I watch so little TV these days and haven’t been to a movie theater since 2007. I don’t want to deal with these people anymore. I’m just sick and tired of it.

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