Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

You Shouldn’t Have a Pet When…

April 2nd, 2022

This is something I unfortunately see a lot of late, people who want pets but they are quibbling over the most insignificant things as a means to save money.

Sorry, pets, like children, are potentially very expensive propositions and if you can’t afford the most simple things, you absolutely cannot afford the potential high costs that come with responsible pet ownership.

I can’t tell you how many times I see people saying “I want a cheap food” or “I can’t afford the bedding” or “how do I make a cheap cage?” Now some of that is fine, if you’re looking for the best deal, I can accept that, but a lot of people act like they can’t afford even the most basic things. If you can’t afford the basics, how in the world do you think you’re going to afford to care for the animal in extraordinary circumstances?

I really get tired of people who want to know if they can “get away” with substandard things. No, you can’t. Do it right or don’t do it at all. Trying to shoehorn your pet into a cage that is insufficient is only going to make them miserable and, often sick.

Because I can’t tell you how many times I see people with animals that have serious medical problems, but they can’t afford to see a vet. I’m sorry, I don’t care how this makes you feel, but if you can’t afford to provide proper care, you have no business whatsoever owning an animal, period.

But wait, I hear people say. Maybe they’re just having a hard time of it right now. Too bad. If you’re living that close to the line, you shouldn’t have living things relying on you. If all of your credit cards are maxed out and you don’t have enough money to buy groceries, you have no business with animals. This is basic responsibility 101. Far too many people don’t comprehend being responsible. They just want a pet. That doesn’t mean they have the capacity to care for one.

This is one of the biggest reasons I’ve gotten very down on a lot of pet ownership groups of late. Reptiles and snakes, for instance, are often seen as a “collection”. They are not a collection. They are living animals. Just because you come across a vaguely rectangular  tank, that doesn’t mean you have to put a living creature in it. This isn’t Pokemon. You don’t have to catch them all.

I had the same problem with bird people a long time ago, where people, most often middle aged women, would try to take in as many birds as they could, often damaged birds, just so they could mother them and feel good about themselves. That is not good for the animals, especially when these people would routinely post that they had no money for food and certainly none for necessary vet visits and they expected everyone else to come to their aid on a monthly basis.

No. If you can’t afford it, don’t do it. Not only are  you putting your own health and well-being at risk, you are certainly not doing anything positive for these animals. They shouldn’t have to suffer along with you, just because their presence makes you happy. If you can’t be responsible enough to put their care and upkeep ahead of your own, then do everyone a favor and don’t get any pets.

That won’t happen, of course, because these people are both stupid and selfish, but I’m really tired of sitting here watching the tragedies happen.

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