Cephus' Corner

A Place for my Geeky Side

Nobody Cares What You Want!

April 23rd, 2021

This has become a problem of late, or maybe I’ve just noticed it, but on a lot of video game subreddits that I follow, lots of people have decided that they’re just going to whine about things they don’t like and demand that the devs fix it to match their expectations.

These people are idiots. It’s time they grew the hell up.I suppose this has been going on, to one degree or another, for a while. Yet right now, over on r/Subnautica, there is a near constant flood of people whining that the game doesn’t auto-save. No, it doesn’t. It never has and it never will. Subnautica isn’t a game that holds your hand. It’s an old-school survival game and no survival game out there auto-saves. Welcome to reality. If you want to save, do it yourself.

But these people just can’t handle it. They want it and therefore, the devs are expected to bend over backwards to make them happy.

Yeah, fuck you. Because a lot of people just don’t understand their place in the supply chain. The devs make a game. They make it for a specific audience and whether or not it is successful is based on how well they understand the audience for whom they’ve made it. Subnautica did reasonably well for an indie game and it has a lot of loyal followers. They made enough money from it to make a sequel, which will be coming out officially in a couple of weeks.

Yet a lot of people think they’re somehow owed their every wish and dream. They do not understand that they are not in charge. They are a consumer. That is all. There are various games on the market and they can choose which, if any of them, to spend their money on. That is the limit of their control. That’s how the free market works. If there are a lot of people who are being under-served by the current marketplace, then someone will come along and make a game to sop up some of that money. That’s how the marketplace works.

The problem is, these people aren’t satisfied with reality. They think they can insist, usually very rudely, that the devs cater to them and it doesn’t work that way. They are welcome to petition the devs, and the devs of Subnautica are easily accessible, and ask, politely, that changes are made. The devs can then evaluate the requests, decide if it is worth their time and money to make the changes, based on how many additional sales they think they might get, and make a decision from there. The devs, in this case, have already done that and have said, quite clearly, that they’re not going to add an auto-save to the game. That just doesn’t shut up the whining idiots that just can’t take a hard game.

This isn’t just a Subnautica issue either. It happens everywhere. People are still whining about Fallout 4, that the devs have to go back and fix any issues because that’s what the demanding mobs want. Well too bad. They already said they’re not going to. They’ve moved on and they’re not going to fix a nearly 7 year old game. Grow the hell up. If you don’t like the game, don’t play the game. Nobody owes you a damn thing. That’s one thing I think a lot of people need to figure out these days. You are not in charge. It’s on the shelf. Buy it or don’t. Grow the hell up.

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